We Asked Over 100 Gun Clubs Their Top Tips on how to safely store firearms

Why Seven? Of course there are more than seven things to think about when looking at how to store firearms safely but these were the most common tips from the gun clubs that responded.

1. Store ammo and bolts in a separate secure location

“Remove essential pieces like bolts and store in a separate secure container.”
James – leek shooting Centre

“Secure the ammunition separately from the firearm and where possible the mechanism (i.e. the rifle bolt) separately as well. So rifle in a secure cabinet, bolt in a separate cabinet or lock box within the cabinet and ammunition in a separate safe.”
David – Cawdor Rifle and Gun Club

2. Lock in a police approved cabinet when not in use.

“If we could give you only one tip on how to store firearms safely – use a police approved steel cabinet that’s bolted to a wall.”
Rupert – Harlow Town Rifle & Pistol Club

“Most authorities don’t like them in garages or outhouses, some insist on expensive alarm systems too.”
Brenda – East Bristol Rifle and Pistol Club

3. When transporting your firearms do not leave them unattended

“When travelling to the range or shoot ensure that the guns are locked out of sight in the boot or the car. Do not leave the car unattended with the guns in the boot.”
Joe – Waveney Shooting Club

“Be discreet and keep a low profile, when transporting firearms, to and from storage location. The less people know that you possess firearms, the more secure they will be!”
Noel – Croydon rifle and pistol club

4. Keep your gun safes out of sight and hidden

“Out of sight, out of mind – gun safes need placing discreetly, inside fitted or dummy wardrobes, or in the attic are good locations.”
Fearon – Kibworth Target Shooting Club

“Install your gun safe in a place where it is easy for you to use. You won’t feel like crawling about in your attic or small under stairs cupboard when returning from a cold, wet, winter shoot. If this is your first license, confer with the police firearms officer who will be inspecting your home security before you install your gun cabinet, to be sure you put it in the right place.”
Steve – Barbican Armoury

5. Keep your keys safe

“Secure your cabinet keys in a combination key safe that is in a separate place to your cabinet(s). That way you can guarantee that only you can have access to the keys and you won’t lost them”.
David – Cawdor Riffle and Gun Club

“Never let anyone else get hold of your keys”.

6. Install a home alarm system

“One of the best pieces of advice I can give on how to store firearms safely – Install an alarm system.”
Joe – Waveney Shooting Club

“House alarm systems are always a good idea. The police often don’t insist on these unless you acquire a larger number of guns, but fitting an alarm even if you possess only one gun – and most FAC holders have more – is well worth the effort.”
Fearon – Kibworth Target Shooting Club

7. Above all follow the police firearms departments or home office information

“Firearms security is mandated by the Home Office. Step outside these laws and you lose your certificate. You can easily check them out on the Home Office web site.”
Haverford West shooting club

“The best way to store firearms safely is to stick to the Home Office Guidance”
Stephen – Bolton and NRP Shooting Club